Basics for Setting Up an Event
To help make the events that our robotics team sets up to be amazing, here are some things that you NEED to remember:
PLAN AHEAD! If you want to have a successful event, you cannot procrastinate. You need to at least figure out what you have to do, and then make a timeline approximating how long each detail will take and follow up with that detail accordingly.
GET PARENTAL HELP! You cannot do everything by yourself, especially if you can’t drive yet. Don’t be afraid to ask parents for help (more often than not they will love to help), but remember to be sincere and not bossy, and if they can’t help you then respect that.
COMMUNICATE! It is incredibly hard to plan an event when no one knows what in the world is going on! When people don’t know what to do, they will either not do anything or do things wrong, which can lead to a disaster of an event.
If you are in charge of an event...
Be sure to notify everyone who has agreed to help of: status of what has been done, needs to be done, is currently being done, or any changes. (also if people don’t want to be informed of things and they say so, respect that but continue to inform them on MAJOR details.) Be sure to give your contact info to everyone in your help group and BE AVAILABLE!
If you are a part of the help group, then notify the person in charge of the status of your given task. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! If you don’t ask questions and you mess up, it will be your fault.
Here are some tips if you are in charge of an event:
BE A LEADER! Make sure that everyone knows you are in charge, but be smart about it and don’t be mean or rude. Just make sure that you make the decisions and don’t get overrun by anyone else. Be sure to keep track of everyone’s job, and stay up to date on your progress. Make sure to personally thank all your volunteers, because without them, your event would never be possible.
COMMUNICATE! Make sure to have the contact info for where an event is being hosted. Give everyone jobs and make sure to follow up with them on their jobs.
DELEGATE! Its okay to have some people preparing and being in charge of certain parts of an event, but make sure they check in with you (for example: say Katherine is running an event. She can put Josie in charge of decorations and Josie can ask different people to help her. However, Josie must report back to Katherine).
Here are some tips if you are helping with an event:
PARTICIPATE! You are there to help put an event together. It may be frustrating but try to keep a positive attitude and get your delegated job done. Try to always be available to the person in charge and inform them ahead if you are going to be busy during a meeting or important event.
ASK QUESTIONS! Don’t ever be afraid to ask questions! It's better to ask the same question multiple times and get it right than to screw up, because you didn't understand what you were supposed to do. Also, if you have a concern about a particular job, bring it up with whoever is in charge. You could have found a mistake that was overlooked that could change the whole outcome of how an event is presented. Lastly, present your ideas, no matter how stupid they sound. It’s better to have multiple options than not enough.