What is compositing?
Compositing is when you take two or more materials and bond them together to form materials.
What materials are used?
In compositing, materials such as carbon graphite, foam, fiberglass, wood for hard points (bolts, holes, etc.), and epoxy (hardner and a resin) are used.
How is compositing helpful in design?
Compositing is very helpful because it is lighter, stronger, and more flexible than metal. A good example of this being used in design is when we used it to make our ramps for the 2007 game Rack 'n' Roll. The detachable ramps were added to the sides of our robot and were made with the approach of compositing.
We used compositing to help keep the weight of our 2007 robot: Puff in check when we added the ramps. The ramps were to be used in the matches of the 2007 Rack 'n' Roll game.
We used compositing for our 2008 robot, Jotunn and his carbon fiber discs (which helped us pick up the 10 inch diameter ball).
We used carbon fiber rollers for our 2009 robot for our conveyor system. The moon rocks are held by polycord and the rollers help guide their way to be shot out at the top.
Where would you find compositing being used in everyday life?
Compositing is used all around us! Preferrably in airplane making, surfboards, bicycles, race car bodies, and skateboards. (Also being used by a certain team that has a certain robot that has certain ramps).
Our use of compositing in our robot's ramps helped us win the Delphi "Driving Tomorrow’s Technology" Award at the Davis-Sacramento Regional in 2007.
Compositing Information provided by: Sarah Stafford and Eric Smith
As written: Priya Rangan, January 2008
Updated: Omena Mushale, October 2013