Robot Profiles

2018 (FIRST PowerUp):
Linear “puncher” (more like a slingshot) gearbox w/ reg cim 54:1* Wench back plate & launch cube
Cube Intake:
Verticle roller intake w/ compliant wheels
Has puncher and intake
653:1 ratio
6 wheel drop center tank drive
4” colsons
Omni wheels
Custom gear box 9.69:110.52 ft/sec
Crossed the auto line
Consistently scored on switch

2017 (FIRST Steamworks):
Turreted shooter with 180 degrees of motion
Triple flywheel
Ball Intake:
Roller powered by a 775 VEXPro motor
Stored in a 40 ball hopper
Shooter Intake:
Intakes balls from hopper with mecanum intake
Rails guide balls to shooter
6 wheel drop center tank drive
6” colsons
Inverted CIM dog shifter
Low gear: 7.84 ft/s
High gear: 16.8 ft/s
Place gear on any peg
Banner sensor on gear intake
Encoder on gearboxes
2016 (FIRST Stronghold):
Powered by two 775 VEXPro motors
Free speed of 8300 rpm on 3.5" Colson wheels
Polycord multi-positional intake
Pivoting shooter to shoot in low and high goals
6 8" inch pneumatic wheel West Coast Drive
6 CIMs
Top speed: 5.7 ft/sec (low gear), 20.9 ft/sec (high gear)
VEX 2-speed ballshifting transmission
Can cross all defenses except C category defenses
Cross B or D category defenses or low bar
Capable of shooting in either low or high goal
Banner sensor to detect when a boulder is secured
Encoders on shooter wheels to control boulder speed
Magnetic encoders to track the angle of the arms and automatically position arms/intake at desired angles

2014 (Aerial Assist):
Ball Intake and Ballista:
JVN Style with BAG motor and 3" wheels to grab the ball
6 bands of elastic Latex tubing
Launches the ball up to a speed of 30 ft/sec
Scores from a distance of 20 ft
6 wheel West Coast Drive chassis/drive system
3 CIM Ball Shifters w/ 3.68 spread
Yields 4.17:1 (21 ft/sec) and 15.32:1 (5.8 ft/sec)
Custom electrical board
Move forward into blue/red zone
Shoots one to two balls into the high goal
Shooting and Assisting:
Intake in reverse can assist and score into the low goal
Ballista has capability of getting the ball over the truss as well as scoring in the high goal

2012 (Rebound Rumble):
Ball Intake and Shooting:
Two FP motors coupled to 6-inch wheel that stores up to two balls
Uses velocity PID and high-speed encoder for shooting
Two-speed modified super shifters (16 ft/sec or 4 ft/sec)
Four CIMs
West Coast Drive train with center wheel drop
Hybrid and End Game:
Shoots two balls in the top hoop
Puts down the ramp
Balances by itself within 5 seconds
Balances with another robot within 20 seconds
Balances with 2 other robots by using stacking configuration capable of supportying another robot
Can bring down and lift the bridge
One of only two stackerbots in the world in 2012

2015 (Recycle Rush):
Mechanim drive w/ 4 cim motors
Four 6'' wheels
Can grabber auto
Lift & Scoring Mechanism:
Elevator system
Hay squeezer with tabs
Can grabber mechanism

2013 (Ultimate Ascent):
Frisbee Intake and Battle Axe Shooter:
Battle axes allow arm to rotate upward clockwise and counterclockwise up to around 150 degrees
Shooter powered by mini CIMs connected to two 6-inch wheels
Pneumatics stopper prevents Frisbee from going into shooter until ready
Shooter also guided by timing belts and chain
VexPro 3-stage ball shifters with 2.27 spread
Four CIMs
6-inch wheels with drop middle that robot easily drives over Frisbees
Top speed from 5 ft/sec in low gear to 11.4 ft/sec in high gear
Raise arm to peak high and shoot four frisbees from any corner of the pyramid
Shooting and End Game:
Can make shots from 25 feet away
Hangs on to first level of the pyramid by "Rex" arms

2003 (Stack Attack):
Hey! I'm known as XCORPION and I am the third robot Team 701 has constructed, made for the 2002-2003 season. I am well-known for my unique shape and am probably the most unique robot that Team 701 has constructed so far. (I also have a pretty cool name.)
In the 2002-03 season, FIRST released the game Stack Attack. The game started with a 15 second autonomous period, in which robots could "attack" a stack of 45 Rubbermaid Storage Bins on top of a 12 foot wide ramp that was made out of 1" wire mesh. Robots had to push bins into their scoring area for points and then stack them if they wanted to multiply their points (awesome deal!). Bonus points for this game were awarded for robots that were on top of the ramp at the end of the match. Some of my features included a four wheel drive system that used 2 drill motors and transmissions. I had a "bin grabber" claw powered by a single 2" air cylinder. I also had a 3-segmented arm for grabbing and stacking bins. I was powered by Fisher-Price motors at my base, Window motors at my elbow, and a Globe motor at my wrist. My claw grabbed bins and was powered by a 3/4" air cylinder. My design was my best feature (not to brag) but it was! I looked so much like a scorpion. That's probably why I am the most unique robot constructed so far by our team. That year I attended the Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, and international competitions with my team of 9 students. I didn't make it past eliminations in any of those competitions. It was disappointing, but I was still appreciative of my abilities. Winning isn't everything I told myself, and I just performed to the best of my ability all the way.